NEB CLASS XII QUESTIONS COLLECTION || Most Important Questions class 12
NEB CLASS XII QUESTIONS COLLECTION || Most Important Questions class 12
NEB CLASS XII QUESTIONS COLLECTION || Most Important Questions class 12
Some of the Important Questions Physics:
Class 12 Physics: Important questions from the periodic Motion
The displacement of an oscillating object as a function of time is shown in figure.Calculate its
i)Time period
ii)Frequency and the amplitude.
You are provided with a light spring meter scale and a known mass. How will you find the time period of oscillation of the mass attached to the spring without the use of clock.
A mass m attached to a spring oscillates with the period of 2 seconds. If the mass is increased by 2kg,the period increase by 1 second. Find the initial mass m, assuming that hooke's law is obeyed.
Show that for a particle executing SHM the maximum potential energy is same as that of maximum kinetic energy which is equal to the total energy.
A particle executing SHM along a straight line has a velocity of 4m/s when its displacement from mean position is 3m and 3m/s when the displacement is 4m.Find the time taken to travel 2.5m from the positive extremity of its oscillation.
Derive an expression for the energy of the particle executing SHM.
A particle executing SHM has a maximum displacement of 4cm and its acceleration at a distance of 1cm from its mean position is 3cm/s^-2.What will be its velocity when it is at a distance of 2cm from its mean position?
Derive an expression for the time period for vertical oscillation of mass suspended from coiled spring.
A particle suspended from a vertical spring oscillates 10 times per second as shown in figure.A the highest point of oscillation,the spring become unstretched become unstrethced.Calculate i)the maximum speed of the block and ii)speed when the spring is stretched by 0.20 cm .
Find the time period of Simple Harmonic Motion
Compare period of angular simple harmonic motion with the period of simple harmonic motion.
The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is 1.6m/s^2.What is the time period of the simple pendulum on the moon if its time period on the earth is 3.5s
Derive an expression for time period of simple pendulum.
Two identical simple pendula are connected by a idea spring of natural length d as shown in figure. Calculate the time period of pendula for equal small displacement along the same direction.
Write the drawbacks of simple pendulum.
Define simple harmonic motion. Find expression for displacement, velocity, acceleration and time period of a particle describing SHM.
Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic for small amplitude. Find an expression for its time period.
What are the characteristics of simple harmonic motion? Derive an expression for the time period of such a motion.
A small mass of 0.2kg is suspended from a spring and produces on extension of 0.015 m. The mass is now set into vertical oscillation of amplitude 10mm.What is the period of oscillation?
A small bob of mass 50kg oscillates as a simple pendulum with an amplitude 5cm and time period 2s. Find the velocity of the bob and tension in the supporting thread when the velocity of the bob is maximum?
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